Re: Problem with crosspost...

Pablo Saratxaga (
Mon, 23 Jun 1997 20:06:28 +0200 (MET DST)

Kaixo !

> I've 2 AKAs, 2:333/ and 91:13/1.4@pnet.ftn.
> If i crosspost to (for example)
> fido.ita.unix (FidoNet italian ECHO)
> pnet.unix (PNet ECHO)
> somethings, strange things appear.
> in UNIX.ITA (eqivalent to my fido.ita.unix ng) apper the post 2 times,
> one with aka 2:333/, and one with 91:13/1.4@pnet.ftn.
> in P_UNIX (eqivalent to my pnet.unix) appear again 2 post, with the
> 2 akas.

I doubt you have two entries in newsfeeds file, like :\


What happpens ?

each feed receive the file, then, ifmail decodes the Newsgroups line,
as you surely use the same Areas file both fido.ita.unix and pnet.unix
are valid --> two FTN echoes.
You do that for two feeds --> two aka
--> 4 messages.

There are two solutions:

* use different Areas files for different feeds (feature included in the "tx"
versions, othrwise patch the sources or do some smart shell scripting) so
you use for your fido feeds, whith only fido.* areas defines,
and Areas.pnet for pnet feeds, whith only pnet.* defined
Crossposted messages are sent only one time, the better solution imho, but
implies more administrative work (you need to have at least three Areas file,
yes you need also a complete one, for iftoss !

* Use the "@" feature of INN 1.5.1, like this :


The "@" is a "stronger" version of "!"; that is a mlessage crossposted to
a group which an "@" applies isn't passed to the feed, even if it is also
posted to a group the feed receives (so the behaviour is different than "!")
The drawback is that the feed won't receive any message posted to the "@-ed"


A bientôt, Pablo Saratxaga

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