However, I'm still having a problem processing incoming echomail. After
running ifunpack, I get the following error messages:
iftoss[1656]: packet from node 1:325/802
iftoss[1656]: to node 1:325/805
iftoss[1656]: Expipe: /usr/lib/news/rnews
ifunpack[1650]: Error tossing packet 3c19fe61.pkt
ifunpack[1650]: processed 1 of 1 files, 1 of 3 packets, rc=13
iftoss[1657]: Exec "/usr/lib/news/rnews" returned -1
iftoss[1657]: ^Ierrno=13 : Permission denied
Now, my /usr/lib/news/rnews is a directory containing c7unbatch, decode,
and encode, all owned by news:news. Is this correct? If not, what should
be in there? If so, does anyone have any idea what might be causing the
above error?
| Debian GNU/ __ o
Regards, | / / _ _ _ _ _ __ __
. | / /__ / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
Randy | /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/ /_/\_\
( | ...because lockups are for convicts...