CM> Does Anyone have a working tic/filebone setup? The perl scripts in the
CM> distribution aren't working here.....
The scripts works well... with perl 4!!! ;(((
There's someone out there that have ported it to perl5 or can do so?!
PS: there's also another tic file manager in sunsite, but for me are
better LT 0.1. the perl scripts distribuited with ifmail.
-- Marco ``Gaio'' Gaiarin / 2:333/1016.2 \ Linux Italian-HOWTO P.zza S. Tommaso, 20 | 61:3917/1.2 | coordinator Cimpello di Fiume Veneto ( 91:13/1.4 ) . o O O o . 33080 Pordenone (Italia) | | PeaceLink PoP Tel/Fax +39-434-95-9555 \ / -> in Cimpello <-