>> Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 07:14:50 -0400 (EDT)
>> From: Chris Molnar <cmolnar@newn.com>
>> To: ifmail@online.ru
>> Subject: TIC's
>> Resent-Date: Sat, 7 Jun 1997 15:06:04 +0400
>> Resent-From: ifmail@online.ru
>> Does Anyone have a working tic/filebone setup? The perl scripts in the
>> distribution aren't working here.....
Yes, I am using it. It took quite a bit of effort to get it to see things my
way. I have tar'd my working system and I've put it up for anonymous ftp at
ftp.daddy.com. It's in the /pub directory, and it's name 'tick.balcom'
I'm running this in /usr/lib/tick - YMMV.
AREAS: I am dumping most stuff into one big file area that I make available
for F'Req. Only the stuff that I really want do I keep in other areas.
NODES: This is ONLY for who you are sending files to - as best as I can
figure out.
Postings: I don't use.
Processor: is also not getting used.
Trigger: i shut off somewhere. It seemed to hang when I used that.
Run makeconfig.pl on the mess so it will make some data bases. Then, run
process_ticks.pl and it will do it all.
I have been unable to make this set up work with Perl v5. It looks for some
things that Perl v4 did not. So, I have it set to run with Perl v4.
This lash up is processing the entire filebone for me, everyday.
-= Jim =-