Re: Anyone done FTP/E-MAIL polling stuff?

Michael Loftis (
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 16:53:11 -0700 (MST)

On 24 Mar 1999 17:41:20 GMT Marco Gaiarin <> wrote:

> But i think that lock and dupe check can be added with the bless of
> Marco. ;)
> Get it from:

Great, but the user isn't there nemore ;) Dead link.

> --
> Dio del cielo se mi vorrai
> in mezzo agli altri uomini mi cercherai (F. De Andre`)

|Michael Loftis              Fido: 1:17/90 -=- CRASH+DIRECT         |
|E-Mail:  I only poll once a week so if you      |
|Data: 208-436-3252          want to get it to me fast CRASH+DIRECT.|
|        Proud Regional Independent of Fidonet, Region 17.          |