Ifmail FAQ

Mathura Srikanth (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 09:25:47 -0500 (EST)

Once upon a time, Eugene Crosser wrote:
| > there is another serious problem i´ve to solve. All inbound calls from a
| > remote mailer called "Semper" (a mailer for Atari ST computers) will
| > hang in the ZedZap send phase.
| You could run ifcico with `-xjnors' and try to analyze the debug log.
| > Jan 11 02:30:29 daolin ifcico.modem[29634]: send_str error
| > Jan 11 02:30:29 daolin ifcico.modem[29634]: ^Ierrno=5 : I/O error
| This one is covered in the FAQ.
I was not able to locate the ifmail FAQ in Can anyone please send a pointer to where it can be found ?
