> what to do if i want netmails to be processed immediatly after sending it.
> i mean, i write a email [netmail], sendmail processes it and it puts it in
> mqueue:
> WAA00849 437 Tue Sep 9 22:39 <eleven@stinkfist.psych.uw.edu.pl>
> (host map: lookup (fxx.nxxx.zx.fidonet.org): deferred)
> <someone@fxx.nxxx.zx.fidonet.org>
> i am using mailertable (and sendmail puts in logs, that it is using
> mailer=fnet-crash).
> ?
The problem is that sendmail tries to look up f.n.z.fido.org and it fails
(probably because you haven't a permanent connection), then you could
solution it by commenting out the rule that makes the lookup in your
> --
> no language, just sound is all we need know
> to synchronize love to the beat of the show
-- Horacio J. PeñaPero no vull que els teus ulls plorin: digue'm adéu. El camí fa pujada i me'n vaig a peu.