> > That's exactly what I thought. So my fnet user is set up in /etc/passwd
> > as:
> > fnet:x:100:9:FidoNet:/usr/lib/ifmail:/bin/sh
> >
> > and my /etc/group has an entry of:
> > news:x:9:fnet
> > uucp:x:10:fnet,uucp,root,news
> > But the problem continues; my packets get renamed from *.pkt to *.bad
> > whenever, as root, I do a su fnet -c "/usr/lib/ifmail/ifunpack".
> >
> I think you need to also keep news in the news group:
No, he needs to have *root* on the news group:
I have:
--A bientôt, Pablo Saratxaga
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