I have a problem with ifmail not able to parse recipient addresses
and generates user unknown messages. I have a fido routing entry in
sendmail.cf of the form
R$* <@ $* f0.n5788.z222.healthnet.org> $#fido $2 f0.n5788.z222 $: $1
<@ $2 f0.n5788.z222.healthnet.org>
Ifmail then gives me these error messages:
ifmail[759]: unparsable recipient
"oyuuni@p91.f0.n5788.z222.healthnet.org" (badstructure), ignored
ifmail[760]: No valid receipients specified, aborting.
and proceeds to route the message back to the sender with the 'User
I will appreciate any help on this. It is driving me crazy.
Osay Osman Yuuni I Tel: 00220 495442/6 or 00220 993309
Head of Computing I Fax: 00220 495919
MRC Laboratories, Fajara I email: oyuuni@gam.healthnet.org
PO Box 273, Banjul I--------------------------------------------
The Gambia I Out Here, the Jungle is Friendly