Problems with ifnews

Chris Molnar (
Sat, 24 May 1997 15:23:10 -0400 (EDT)

Ok.... I got it to finally log to the debug file.

the command line was:

bin/batcher -v -p"/usr/lib/ifmail/ifnews -N -xabcdefghijklmnopqr" f356.n141.z1

Once again it didn't accept any articles, but did print the following in
the log:

start ifnews ver 2.8e of Thu Mar 14 01:45:26 1996, verbose 0x00003fff
adding default group "fido.*" (dist world)
packets will go to /tmp/ifmail
bestaka_s for 1:141/356@fidonet
addr 1:141/635@fidonet metric 2
addr 1:141/600@fidonet metric 2
bestaka_s is 1:141/635@fidonet
route: 1:141/356@fidonet
tidy_falist beginning from <null>
skipping news message
closepkt entered
end input 0, output 0 messages

Any ideas from this?
