Re: ifcico <-> Terminate 4

Ian Southam (
Wed, 21 May 1997 14:01:29 +0100

At 03:08 PM 5/21/97 +0300, Sergey Dubenco wrote:
> when Terminate 4.0 sends a message to ifcico - everything's OK, but if visa
>versa then Terminate can't accept a message while ifcico is still trying to
>send one, after that they broke connection because of Time out.
> Did anybody has such a troubles before?

Yes we have. All our points use terminate and yes, we have seen this exact

Have you tried changing the BELIEVE_ZFIN to 1 (in the Makefile), that works
for some people.

Failing that (it didn't work on our AIX box), we hacked the zmodem code:)).

- Ian Southam
Rayware Limited Units 8 & 9
Merseypride Enterprise Trading Park
Tel : +44-(0)151-486-1888 Liverpool
Fax : +44-(0)151-486-1467 L24 9GQ
email : United Kingdom