Kaixo !
> specified the dosoutbound field in the config file, but it came
up with a
> path like '/48fe3421.su0mail/outb' or something similar. What am
I missing?
It is a bug, I think it was worrected on 2.9, but it seems it
Apply this patch:
--- ifmail-2.9/ifcico/filelist.c Tue Nov 5 01:19:09 1996
+++ ifmail/ifcico/filelist.c Wed Nov 6 23:34:10 1996
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@
(strncasecmp(p,dosoutbound,strlen(dosoutbound)) == 0))
- for
- *q=((*p) == '\\')?'/':tolower(*p);
+ strcat(buf2,p+(strlen(dosoutbound)));
+ for (q=buf2;*q;q++)
+ *q=((*q) == '\\')?'/':tolower(*q);
if ((q=strrchr(p,'/'))) q++;
A bientôt,
Pablo Saratxaga
:wq ;-) PGP Key available, key ID:
Thanks. This works, except for one thing. a strcat(buf2, "/") needs to
be added after the strcpy(buf2, outbound) statement. Once that's done,
it works like a charm. Eugene, you might want to add this into the dist.
Thanks for all the help.