Re: (fwd) IFCICO & TBBS

Tsuneo Tanaka (
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 16:47:19 +0900 (GMT+0900)

On Tue, 11 Feb 1997, Jim Balcom wrote:

> ifcico will NOT connect with TBBS systems! There are two of us running
> ifcico in this net, and neither one of us can connect to TIMS (the front
> end).
> moreover, TIMS does NOT use EMSI )-:

I have never called a TIMS-based system over PSTN, but ifcico should be
able to connect with it regardless of handshaking protocol if you just
uncomment commented lines in zsdata() and zrdata() in ifcico/zmmisc.c...
(not using EMSI shouldn't be a problem)

Tsuneo Tanaka <>